The International Culinary Center's Tech 'N Stuff Blog
2 thoughts on “BrazilianFruitTrees”
hi, i chanced upon your site and enjoyed your sharing of your wonderful knowledge..Thank you
from singapore !!
I can identity some of the wild/organic fruits like
Brazilian fruits trees, star fruits my dad had
them in our Malaysian farm which is near the virgin
forest .. They are very delicious. Star fruits has medical properties that LOWER blood pressure.
It feels so wonderful to know somewhere in other part of the world also has the same asian
fruits. Nature given by God are equal every where.
hi, i chanced upon your site and enjoyed your sharing of your wonderful knowledge..Thank you
from singapore !!
I can identity some of the wild/organic fruits like
Brazilian fruits trees, star fruits my dad had
them in our Malaysian farm which is near the virgin
forest .. They are very delicious. Star fruits has medical properties that LOWER blood pressure.
It feels so wonderful to know somewhere in other part of the world also has the same asian
fruits. Nature given by God are equal every where.
I’d like to go to Singapore some day.