Radio Show: Different Time, Special Guest –Dave Wondrich

by Nastassia Lopez This week’s Cooking Issues radio show will broadcast live tomorrow, Monday, from noon-12:45pm EST instead of our usual Tuesday (Itunes link here). We’ll be welcoming special guest Dave Wondrich – spirits and cocktail editor for Esquire magazine, author of many books including Imbibe, and undisputed authority on booze. Maybe we’ll hear a […]

Our Friend Michael Batterberry Passes Away

by Dave Arnold and Nils Noren From Dave: Michael Batterberry was a giant in the food world for over forty years. Long before we Americans were interested in what chefs were up to, Michael dedicated himself to improving the stature of that profession here.  Along with his wife Ariane, he founded Food and Wine Magazine, […]

Thank God for Potheads: New Favorite Tool in the Knife-Bag

by Dave Arnold You need to grind a small amount of spices and your mortar and pestle isn’t handy. You don’t want to clean out your pepper-mill. What are you going to do?  Those damn coffee/spice grinders do a crappy job on small quantities.  The spices just sit there under the blades.  You have to […]