Fake Fryable, Brûlée-able Salep Dondurma Ice Cream: A Legal Recipe

posted by Dave Arnold   While trying to make an ice cream that could be fried or brûléed, I accidentally produced a recipe that very closely resembles Salep Dondurma –the fabled Turkish stretchy ice cream.   Dondurma means ‘ice cream’ in Turkish. Salep dondurma is an ice cream made with flour from the ground tubers of wild Turkish […]

Ka-Boom: Liquid Nitrogen Safety Rules are There for a Reason!

posted by Dave Arnold Last week we had our first liquid nitrogen *incident.* No one was hurt, but it emphasizes how important safety rules are. For more information on liquid nitrogen safety, see our LN primer. While moving our 160 liter LN dewar from the 4th floor to the second floor of our building the dewar got […]

Pet Peeves put to the Test: Refrigerating Fresh Mozzarella

posted by Dave Arnold Some things I never refrigerate: Tomatoes –they go mealy. Potatoes –they develop sugar and brown too much when fried. Fresh Mozzarella –It doesn’t taste the same after it has been in the fridge. It loses its milky characteristics. I buy it the day I need it and leave it on the […]

Heavy Metal: the Science of Cast Iron Cooking

posted by Dave Arnold I originally wrote this piece for a print publication, but they said the tone was too dry and axed it. They said they wanted something more like the blog. Here it is on the blog. Cast Iron Intro: While cast-iron cookware has been available for centuries, the advent of industrialized factory […]

Sous-Vide and Low-Temp Primer Part I

posted by Dave Arnold  We have had a lot of requests to make last week’s low-temp charts available for download. Here you go:  We are often accused of being long-winded. Guilty. When we looked at the sous-vide primer, however, even we thought it was too long—so we decided to break it into parts. We hope […]