Santo vs. Dave Arnold in El Grande Sacudirse de Coctel

posted by Nastassia Lopez We have our fair share of fans here at Cooking Issues. And then there are our super fans.  It turns out the great masked luchadore El Santo was so enthralled by our Cocktail Science Shake-Off that he stopped by the school last week and challenged Dave to a one-on-one (mano a mano) shake-off. […]

Taylor W. Hubble – The Tech Department's Guardian Angel

posted by Nastassia Lopez This May, Dave’s wish for a centrifuge came true when Unilever donated their old Sorvall RC2-B to the school’s Tech department.  The ‘fuge has a permanent home in Dave’s lair, and though it’s built like a bomb shelter, and not the most elegant instrument, this big guy is refrigerated and can […]

"Molecular Gastronomy" – Nils weighs in

Posted by Nils Norén One of the biggest problems with the term Molecular Gastronomy, apart from it not sounding delicious, is that it does not give a fair picture of someone’s cuisine. For example, when I was the Executive Chef at Aquavit, I used quite a few newer techniques. A lot of the times, when […]

Molecular Gastronomy is just a long four-letter word

Posted by Dave Arnold “Molecular Gastronomy” is a term promoted far and wide by a French guy named Hervé This.  He is, to say the least, a controversial figure in the world where science meets cooking.  The press has latched onto the term, and it is currently in wide usage. People mainly use the term […]