Citrus Lunacy on Gene Lester’s Ranch: Attack of the Acid-Eaters

by Dave Arnold: I believe in building your taste memory. A good taste memory makes you a better cook and a better eater.  One of my favorite techniques is to try a zillion varieties of something all at once – to quickly see the whole range of possibilities. A couple years ago Harold McGee and […]

Announcing Cooking Issues Forums!

We love our readers. You are a smart bunch of folks, and we want to know what’s on your mind –so we’re launching Cooking Issues Forums. Some of the most enlightening information on our blog has come from reader comments. Unfortunately, we have to approve each comment before it goes up, and the subject matter […]

Sous-Vide and Low Temp Primer Part II: Cooking Without a Vacuum.

posted by Dave Arnold For part one of the primer, an introduction to low-temperature cooking and sous vide –including some funky charts– see here. I got a bit long winded again.  I  intended to have Part II of this primer cover all forms of packing and preparing for low temperature cooking.  It was getting way too long – so here’s […]

Delicious, Defective Cured Olive Oil

posted by Dave Arnold  We think olive oil from cured olives is delicious. A professional olive oil taster would disagree. Let me explain:  We’ve been using our centrifuge to make cured olive oil.  First we blend pitted olives (kalamata’s been our choice) in a Vita-Prep until they form a smooth paste; then we load the paste into centrifuge buckets […]