Two hundred apples a day…

posted by Dave Arnold It’s apple season! Really, apple season starts earlier than you think. It started almost a month ago already. Next week we’ll start posting our tasting notes on this year’s crop. This is the first of many posts on apples. We love apples. Apples are delicious. Apples are worth close study. Nils […]

Just another flavor separation technique

posted by Mindy Lvoff As I was discussing how to describe (and understand) “countercurrent chromatography” (CCC) with Dave and our friend, Philip Preston of Polyscience (who stopped by FCI today to hang out for a while), Philip summarized the process as “just another flavor separation technique…”  Easy to say when you’re a genius, but I […]

Centrifugation: Spin it Faster. More More.

posted by Dave Arnold We asked for comments on centrifugation and got some really great responses—so many, in fact, that we wanted to do another post. If you don’t know about centrifugation (what’s a rotor, what are g forces, why the hell should I care, etc., etc.) see our other posts here and here. To recap, […]

Skåls of the Week, 7.27.2009

(Hey, what is this SkÃ¥l Project anyway?) Good things come in threes…  For your skÃ¥l viewing pleasure, here are some sets of three skÃ¥ls: Three photos of two brothers: Three old-school 4 star French chefs: Two Bloggers and a Rock and Roll Manager makes three: And three ballet dancers!   Finally, we’d like to introduce you […]