Harold McGee Lecture Series

************SHAMELESS PLUG FOR OUR CLASS***************** A scientist, a chef, and a food technologist walk into The FCI. What happens next? An emulsion of science, food, and deliciousness. On November 4th, 5th, and 6th Dave and Nils will be joined by Harold McGee, renowned author of On Food and Cooking and one of the world’s most respected authorities […]

Transglutaminase, (aka: Meat Glue) Primer!

posted by Nastassia Lopez We have a brand new Meat Glue (Transglutminase) Primer up on the Cooking Issue’s Primers page! Here are some excerpts to get you started: What is Meat Glue? Transglutaminase (TG or TGase), better known to chefs as “Meat Glue,” has the amazing ability to bond protein-containing foods together. Raw meats bound with […]

New York Culinary Experience Technique-a-thon: Pressure Cooking Eggs, Super Rich Sorbet, N'Stuff

 posted by Nastassia Lopez with some comments by Dave Arnold This weekend marked the second annual New York Culinary Experience (hosted by The FCI and New York Magazine)—a hands-on event where attendees cook side-by-side with some of the best chefs in the industry. Events started on Saturday morning and ended Sunday night with a reception in L’Ecole. Dave […]

Skoals of the Week 9.28

posted by Dave Arnold and Nastassia Lopez (Hey, what is this SkÃ¥l Project anyway?) This week we had our biggest Skoal ever: the audience at our Star Chef’s Demo. Click on the photo caption for a bigger version.  Check out the errors our panorama program created.  There are some doubles, some ghosts, a dude wiping his own face […]

Skoal to Spinal Chords, Ike Jime and Mokume-Gane: the Star Chefs Demo

posted by Nastassia Lopez (photos courtesy of John M. Sconzo) Dave and Nils brought down the Star Chef’s house with the final demo of the International Chef’s Conference: High-Tech Delicious.   The Mokume-Gane Dish They started the demo off with a mokume-gane of lamb and yellowfin tuna. After molding together the two proteins with meat glue, Dave […]