Star Chiefs –The Cocktail Demo with Recipes

by Dave Arnold At this year’s Star Chefs conference I whipped up some beaver-flapper puffs for the crowd to munch on (see here for recipe), and Nils and I liquored everyone up with a passel of cocktails. Our 75 minute demo showcased three different techniques at three different attainability levels: rapid N2O infusion (within anyone’s […]

Turning Water into Wine: Legal Distillation

by Dave Arnold For years I have been distilling illegally in my rotary evaporator because the products are delicious. I don’t feel bad about being a scofflaw — our distillation laws are preposterous. Distillation is defined in the United States as any process that separates ethanol from an ethanol-containing mixture. Unless you are licensed, distillation […]

Cooking Issues Radio, Pre-Recorded Sunday

This Tuesday, Dave will be preoccupied with the French Culinary Institute’s Sous Vide Intensive Course, so this week’s Cooking Issues Radio Show will be pre-recorded tomorrow (Sunday).  Email questions to Nastassia at and we’ll answer as many as possible.  Or call in to the show from 2pm-3pm EST at 718-497-2128 (you can hear yourself when we […]

Cocktail Science in General:Part 2 of 2

by Dave Arnold This, then, is the second part of the mega cocktail science post. For the science of ice, temperature and dilution, see Part 1. Here I’ll deal with proper temperature, proper dilution, and the different qualities of shaken and stirred drinks. I will also talk about good batching techniques, and then you’ll get, […]